Wednesday 24 July 2024

Armory Painting Guide, Mithril Lossenarch, some pick ups and more...

This was an interesting find I'd forgotten about... must have picked it up a long time ago. The Armory Miniatures Guides are an absolute gem for miniature identification (so far they seem to have produced 5 of which I only have 3). This short painting guide is quite good!

I'm slowly getting around to selling some of my Mithril collection to finance my credit card payments... really should have got a job instead of living off them. Here I unearthed a recently oop set - Armies of Gondor I - Lossarnach Province (M424 - M433) which featured the army of Lossarnach which was a region in Southern Gondor known as the Vale of Flowers.

This was the Mithril flyer thingy...

Picked up the first two WW1 volumes of Warhammer Historical only to find I already have them... 

Managed to sort out some of a job lot I picked up recently which included these wonderful Grenadier Wizzards and Warriors line W29 Slimes, Molds & Jellies. Wish I could get the blister pack (that image c/o Lost Minis WIKI). You have to remember that these were from the late 70's (1976 I think) and are what old school is all about.

Hopefully launching an expansion to the Bar room Brawl series on Kickstarter in the next couple of months so am busy trying to paint up 'The Dozing Dragon' Inn... the dwarves frequent the oversized basement of course.

And a mystery mini... approx 35mm tall and no base markings. Some form of dungeon ooze/slime etc - any ideas? It's not Heroes or Starcast so far.

Found an old Standard Games leaflet... love looking through my cupboards and finding these oddments...

Lastly, has anyone got any of these Masquerade Miniatures Germanics? The only info I have to go off is via the Lost Minis WIKI; Masquerade Miniatures was based in Waltrop and run by Stefan Niehues with the website domain created 2010-09-09. The company is no longer active but the domain now redirects to the BeesPutty sculpting website which is run by Stephan and his StudioworX Atelier & Maufaktur company [1] (now based in Olfen). He also ran a blog under the crownbear & modellierworkshop moniker that was shut down when Masquerade stopped being active.

They look like very nice miniatures.

Goodnight from my Arya...

Saturday 20 July 2024

Trump Assassination - new Politico kits coming soon!


As you know, this is not a political blog however, with the amount of memes going around the internet, I thought I had better join in, albeit in a most definitely lighthearted way. The whole scenario is crazy and awful for those affected but watching everyone attending rallies in the US it has become rather weird and cult like...

Of course, Niggle Fudge shot over to offer his support... instead of being in Parliament or attending to his constituents that foolishly voted him in in Clacton. Reap what you sow people. Fortunately, Donald Trump saw fit to fly away without meeting him. 

Not sure what the 'special relationship' with the UK is going to be now we have a new party and Prime Minister in charge... time will tell!

My condolences go out to the family and friends of Corey Comperatore, the firefighter who died shielding his family. No greater love has no man.

Wednesday 15 May 2024

Salute 2012 - Wacky Races and Celtos Chariot

I was just trying to clear up space on my iCloud thingy and found a bunch of images back from when I was working on two chariots for a Frothers Unite Forum chariot racing game at Salute in 2012 (me playing the game itself showed why I don't game...).

The original 'The Creepy Coupe' (homage to The Munsters) vehicle came from a charity store - never underestimate looking at charity stores! The dragon's head is from an old Citadel / Ral Partha Tom Meier dragon (now produced by Ral Partha Legacy as a Brass Dragon here;

The Harlequin is an old metal one from Black Scorpion Miniatures (now oop), the plastic dwarves are from various places... my memory fails on the front seat one. Extra accessories from the bits box.

Mantic Games ghoul underneath the back and another 'unsure of' dwarf leaping out of the rear window. The MDF part at top is from a Fenris Games accessory railing (?) piece. 

And the painting starts...

Not sure where I've saved the window glass additions for the dwarf but I think it was cut from blister packaging? Quite effective for me!

Lots of info on the series here;

Or you can watch on YouTube here;

There is a great Wacky Races game recently Kickstarted by Cool Mini or Not that contains load of the cars

The game is available from Amazon here (my Affiliate link so please click away!)...

Then, of course, came The Celtic C*ck... Frothers being that sort of forum at the time. I'd picked up a job lot of Wargames Foundry chariots a while and decided to base it on those... the wilder the better so I thought 2 chariots wide would make more sense.

I was sent the bases but can't remember who supplied them. Damned fine effort though. I added most of a rather battered Citadel skeleton from the bits box to the rear.

I can't for the life of me remember where the tusks came from.

The Celtos barbarian hero type (sculpted by Kev White, one of the best sculptors going, now working for GW) was the obvious choice for the driver.

I added a whip, not sure where the handle came from though. Could have been the original sword.

Copper wire for the reins, fiddly but worth the effort.

Painted up in all its glory.

Brigade Models (the UK company) now produce the Celtos ranges, very well priced and most certainly worth looking at...

Well, that's it for now. Please leave a comment!