Saturday, 11 January 2025

Gencon / Origins 1988 Game Fair


I came across this when tidying a bookcase so thought it a good idea to scan it for posterity. I seem to recall it came in a Dragon Magazine but not sure which one if so. I think it would have been a classic event going off the contents... enjoy!

As always;

Thursday, 9 January 2025

Combat 3000 Amendment Sheet (Richard Halliwell and Richard (Rick) Priestley)


A hobby friend asked me to scan the amendment sheet so, of course, I scanned other bits as well in case anyone should be missing them... hopefully  high enough quality to print off for those that already own the rules. There are a few more posts if you hit the Combat 3000 label on the right hand side. Brilliantly illustrated with the old future Citadel Spacefarers concept artwork by Tony Yates, Bryan Ansell and Nick Bibby.

As always

Sunday, 5 January 2025

Dragonooth Gelmen and Grenadier Gamma World

 As a lot of you know, my old school tastes tend to the very old fantasy / sci-fi - the more lead oxide coming off on my fingers the better (until the advent of eBay I loved wargame shows and, if my fingers weren't grey, it hadn't been a good show). Oh, no, I generally didn't lick them clean. Dragontooth and early Grenadier are prime examples of this... interesting sculpts but I love them and, a few days ago, a wonderful trade package turned up containing these beauties;

Dragontooth GEL6 Gelmen Infantry Armed with Spear

There are 3 variants, pics below c/o Kevan at Stunties / Lost Minis WIKI.

GEL5 Gelmen Infantry Armed with Mace - only 1 variant so I wonder if there were more?

A short video showcasing them... excuse the background noise of YouTube ads whilst I'm listening to Necroscope by Brian Lumley (read it in my youth and it's great to revisit it via audio).

 I believe they were sculpted by either Mike Gilbert or Michael Katok. Confirmation needed!

Next is a Grenadier G38 Ecology / Agricultural Bots
(1 of each type). This is a loose set - haven't been able to confirm if it's a full set as yet as the images available aren't that clear. Quite infuriating trying to catalogue the GW blisters for posterity!

A blister image off Lost Minis, not a great quality reference unfortunately.

A larger 'enhancement'...

If you have any more info / images / trade pieces do let me know.

Saturday, 4 January 2025

Ral Partha Legacy - Tenoch invade the States!


Great news for fans of The Little Soldier Company - Jacob over at RPL has now released the Tenoch under licence for the USA and overseas territories. He's slowly releasing a bunch of miniatures from the company and all are cast in lead free pewter. No more weeks of customs and you can get your hands on these wonderful Kev Adams' sculpts.

You can also find the Khamai on the site and a number of accessories but you'll have to search until the website glitches are sorted. Please jump in and let Jacob know that I sent you!

For me though, as always;

Monday, 18 November 2024

Naismith Design Aztecs / Mayans - back to the 80's!


Back in the early 80's Bob Naismith sculpted a massive range of figures in both 15 and 25mm for Navwar, under the umbrella of Naismith Design. Until recently the 15mm were still available but unfortunately the owner, Tony Anderson, passed away in May this year.

It is with profound sadness that we share the passing of Navwar founder, Tony Anderson, who left us on 12/05/2024 at the age of 78. Tony spent over 55 years building his wargaming and ships business and his passion and attention to detail has been second to none. He will be greatly missed.

The business will continue to be operated by Tony's wife (Noshi Anderson) with the casting of models to continue. Please have patience with us whilst we transition at this difficult time.

(Via TMP) - The company was originally a partnership between Bob Naismith and Navwar, with casting taking place sometimes in Glasgow and sometimes in London. It was never more than a part-time income for Bob, however, so he instead moved on (around 1984) to work with Bryan Ansell at Citadel Miniatures and Naismith Design became wholly owned by Navwar.

Bob is (obviously!) notable for his original sculpts of the Citadel / Games Workshop Space Marines... started with a limited edition (limited to how many they could cast I think) and the followed up with the wonderful C100 range (image c/o Stuff of Legends, link to the page below).

I bought a few of the Aztec baggies back in the day, not sure where from, possibly mail order however then, more recently, picked up a load with a veiw to getting them up on the blog and the Lost Minis WIKI! Greater love hath no man. He did Aztecs, Mayans, Inca and Conquistadores for this genre... lots of others such as Roman, Ancient Greek, Medieval etc which were all in the same lovely style.


AZ1 Novice Warrior, Spear and Shield at Ease

AZ2 Warrior, Quilted Tunic, Firing Bow

AZ3 Warrior, Quilted Tunic, Throwing over arm

AZ4 Warrior, Quilted Tunic, Charging

AZ5 Warrior, Quilted Tunic with Two Handed Cutting Weapon

AZ6 Warrior, Quilted Battlesuit, Tall Helmet, Charging

AZ7 Warrior, Quilted Battlesuit, Cylindrical Helmet, Throwing

AZ8 Warrior, Quilted Battlesuit, Coyote Helmet, Receiving

AZ9 Warrior, Quilted Battlesuit, Veteran (Quachic), Advancing

AZ10 Warrior Priest, Quilted Battlesuit (Slashed Ears), Standing

AZ11 Warrior, Quilted Battlesuit, Helmet, Raising Arms

AZ12 Jaguar Knight, Quilted Battlesuit, at Ease

AZ13 Jaguar Knight, Quilted Battlesuit, Advancing

AZ14 Eagle Knight, Advancing

AZ15 Pack of Assorted Back Banners and Supports

AZ16 Aztec with Quilted Tunic and Sling

AZ51 Aztec Weapon Pack

AZ60 Otomi Knight with Bow and Cutting Weapon

AZ61 Arrow Knight


AZ28 Peasant Infantry with Sling

AZ29 Peasant Infantry, Advancing

AZ30 Officer with Back Banner

AZ31 Musician with Trumpet and Maracas

AZ32 Standard Bearer with Feather Banner

AZ33 Warrior, Spear and Bow

Missing this one!

AZ34 Warrior, Throwing Spear

AZ35 Warrior on Guard

AZ36 Warrior at Ease

AZ37 Warrior, Charging

AZ38 Warrior, Advancing

AZ39 Warrior, Attacking

Missing all codes until AZ50 below.

There is an AZ44 on Lost Minis c/o Miniman although no description and I can't make out the figure unfortunately.


AZ52 Mayan Weapon Pack


EQ7 Inca War Dogs & Handler

EQ8 Inca Religious Group

EQ9 Inca Chieftain on Litter

Can't find my chieftain figure... I did have a Slann conversion for it (somewhere else on blog)

PA2 Aztec General in Human Skin Suit with Back Banners

There is an eleven pack Conquistador range that I'll put up at some point. I'll also take some pics of my loose ones.

Some of the Naismith Design packs are up on the WIKI, these will follow at some point.

You can find a bunch of other images and stuff on Bob on the blog via the Naismith Design label;

There's a great Osprey book on Aztecs etc on Amazon available below (associate link so I'd get a penny or so if you do purchase)

Aztec, Mixtec and Zapotec Armies: v. 239 (Men-at-Arms)

If you like the blog, please follow it and become a Politico (top left) - it makes me feel like I'm appreciated as does leaving a comment below!

Also, if you are feel slightly flush, buying me a coffee is always appreciated...blogging can be thirsty work...

Email as always;