Thursday 29 June 2017

Lamming Miniatures - little job lot....

As the picture shows... so happy to pick these up. They'll be joining the painting queue once the old 'secret projects' are completed... a selection of ancient Egyptian types and the friends/foes...

I remember reading an interview with Bill Lamming many years back, possibly in Battle for Wargamers magazine or Military Modelling? I seem to recall that he started sculpting from blocks of lead whilst recuperating from an operation whilst in hospital. See the history post lower down memory may be failing... Bill was one of the true old school crowd. His miniatures were really full of character. He did sculpt a small range of 20mm World War 2 Germans towards the end of production, should have picked some up. Lovely minis.

Here are a few of my pics along with a couple found on t'internet over time, apologies to original posters, all kudos to you and I'll remove if any issues (can't remember who I took them off).

ME1 Merlin and ME? Sorcerer's Apprentice... as I got them, one varnished and one undercoated...

Stripped well...

Awaiting varnishing... haven't based them as I've decided on starting keeping some with their original bases...only on the plastic ones for painting purposes...

Bunch of Greek cavalry off eBay... should have picked them up.

Packaging - I did pick up a baggie the other day, can't remember the contents, as I'd never known them to be bagged.

My Vikings, bought back in the day and actually painted... around '77 I think as they were based using wood veneers from O Level woodwork classes. A few Dixon and Garrison minis hiding amongst them...

Some lovely naval fellows...

My first Romans along with a Minifigs AX Archer.

Medieval knight...

Greek hoplite....

Side mounted princess...

Arab archer...

There's a really nice history here on Chuck's Vintage Wargaming;

A couple of old school Lamming on this nice blog amongst more old school Asgard and more...

Do of course check out Lamming posts on The Old Metal Detector blog - one of the best old school historical blogs on the internet...

He did release a Medieval ruleset - Medieval Campaign and Battle Rules (One-to-One) (1976)

 Check out Boardgame Geek for more details...

East Riding Miniatures have bought up the rights however only have a small selection of medievals so far..... (edit - 16/09/2024 - now sold on and lots available with new additions planned)

If you have any old ranges hanging about do send some pics and I'll add them to the post.

Edit - a few advertisements I found from Model Soldier magazines 1978/1979...

Along with a review!

Monday 26 June 2017

Apocalypse Miniatures - Olde World Into the Wild....

A good hobby friend, Ryan, runs Apocalypse Miniatures and has commissioned the wonderful Tony Harwood of Dampf's Modelling Page to sculpt a fantasy village in the Oldhammer / Olde Worlde style.....these are really very nice pieces. My miniatures need a gaming table home...they might have found it!

Do let Ryan know I sent you so he realises that I might have some uses after all!

Various pics off the Kickstarter page below, click the link above for more.

Just go and have a look!

Saturday 10 June 2017

Clam meets Maggie Thatcher and the Miner's Strike.....

Not a good period in British history and one that destroyed livelihoods around the country, never mind just the those of the mining villages and towns themselves. Militant trade union met the bitch and she had the backing of the government, the army, the police force etc. She will forever be remembered as a destroyer by many however, this is a miniatures blog and not a political thing......I know so many people touched by the strikes that it does bear remembrance of where the wrong person in power can destroy a more here, here and here. One point has come to light recently in that so many of the people I know and respect around the miniature's industry may not have moved into the field if all this had not happened......scary food for thought.

Clam, he of the wonderful Clamshells & Seahorses blog, has painted up our Mags figure. I do so love it when I see the blog minis painted up! Lots more Politicos (love the name, thanks Pete Brown of The Mouldmaker)  to come, just a question of time and finances.......

Clam's post is here.

Any thoughts or whatevers, give me a shout on

Friday 2 June 2017

Master Castings Have Arrived!!

If you don't know the joy of welcoming your own children into the world.....well, this has a similar feel to it except maybe not as messy! The postman dropped the parcel from Peter Brown at The Mouldmaker this afternoon whilst I was painting fence posts at the front of the house. Twas a joyous moment indeed. I did finish painting the posts before going in as commitment to my craft.


Just before the molding......a scary process as the sculpts can end up getting damaged in the process....fortunately not in this case, thanks Pete!

This post and related ones will also be appearing on as that is a new project site. Quite exciting really. Please comment with thoughts and such like below.