Saturday 27 February 2016

Dwarf Steam Cannon - most definitely a work in progress.....

Woke up one morning thinking of pirate you do. Popped down to the local (ish) pound shop and picked up a couple of toy plastic ones. The recent release of The Assault Group dwarves has really got me keen to do stuff after something of a post divorce lull......  The ship is, unfortunately, softer plastic so will be a bit of a swine to paint although I do have some acid etch primer that may help that. I picked up some of the dwarves off a friend who had bought too many and am just waiting for my battalion to arrive so I can play with command figures for the crew......I had bought some a while back but for the life of me can't find them....insert frustrated emoticon etc.

The ship as bought....

Took off the sail and checked for scale....

First job was to strip it apart and add decking..there is a motor in there for anyone who wants to add more realism to their bath time naval battles by the way....

Added 2 old Ral Partha Dwarf Steam Cannon engines from the bits box...along with the cabin housing...lolly sticks have a million uses...

Rear transmission added with 'far too small' wheels...

One pack of Trent Miniatures wheels later (courtesy of those nice people at Arcane Scenery) resin goods courtesy of The Dice Bag Lady.

11/03/16....added the start of a front section...I'm now thinking along the lines of a medieval Cog so will be looking at a rear section as well.....there's probably names for all these bits but 'section' will have to do for now....

No idea of colour scheme or where it's going. Once the TAG package turns up I'll explore adding an artillery piece as I'd like to keep to the figures from the same range.

21/03/2016 more work on the fore section...

The Dwarves are from The Assault Group.

First side piece for a pivot gun.....will go on the right hand side (nautical term??) in the middle....

Cheese and bits from The Assault Group of course!

Update 5th April 2016. My poor old mum suffered from a stroke the other weekend so have been in and out of Bodelwyddan hospital in North Wales for the last 2 weeks or so. Operation today and now at Wrexham hospital so will be visiting there later..... anyway, last addition to the ship was a rear section...early days as usual....I make it up as I go along so we'll see what we see when we see it!

I envisage a crenelated rear and more underneath to link it to the rear of the plastic....

10th April update....just ran out of super glue so concentrating on the vodka instead....

Finally an update...started work on the side piece which is turning into a staircase......for now anyway!

Last one for now.....2 swivel cannon for the rear and the start of the 'retractable' bottom stairs...

28th April 2016 and I think she's finished barring tiles for the cabin roof and the miniatures themselves.....oh, and a base of some sort....any thoughts for extra bits/details let me know please!

and finally (8th May) tiles on the cabin excuse not to start painting it now I suppose...

Tuesday 23 February 2016

Northumbrian Tin Soldier release Time Robbers...........

Well, if you're a fan of a certain film then these figures will really float your boat. Absolutely to die for.....Martin Buck sculpts......David Holland has sent me copies of the illustrations (also by Martin) and greens. Now available here.

If these go well there are plans for other minis soon. Tell him I sent you!

(Just a little reminder of the film they are loosely based on...)

Other Northumbrian Nightfolk posts here.