Monday 27 December 2021

A belated Merry Christmas to one and all!


I've be remiss in posting this due to a very bad back... better now but still waiting for it to go again. Courtesy of the wonderful Tony Yates.

I hope everyone had a good time and got lots of lead... we had a no present festive day for the first time, just got together for a lovely meal which was great. 

Thursday 23 December 2021

We (almost) have another dragon!

Well, as we come close to 2022 I thought it good to show the dragon sculpt... John Pickford has really pulled out the stops on this one... not sure if it'll be resin or metal as yet but it's a wonderful piece of sculpting art. Furled wings to follow....

He will, of course, be our second dragon... the first being Noggin the Nog's Groliffe the Ice Dragon, treasurer of the Dragon's Friendly Society (established clerical grade.) sculpted by Martin Buck...

Don't forget to become a Politico (top left, grow the lead revolution please) or even hit 'The Little Soldier Company' banner at the top and pick up some pieces... every little helps. 

Also, if you would care, you could buy me a cup of coffee at the link below... miniature collecting is thirsty work.

Saturday 18 December 2021

Jack Scruby Table Top Talk - April 1963


Once again, courtesy of a friend's PDF wizardry, we have another issue of Table Top Talk magazine in to download via my Google Drive... Volume 2, number 4.

As always;

Don't forget to become a Politico (top left, grow the lead revolution please) or even hit 'The Little Soldier Company' banner at the top and pick up some pieces... every little helps. 

Also, if you would care, you could buy me a cup of coffee at the link below... miniature collecting is thirsty work.

Saturday 11 December 2021

Shot Tower Studios - the early 80's again.


Well, back in the early 80's I worked for Games workshop in the Manchester store... it was a great time to be collecting lead and I was literally like a kid on a candy store... I was in charge of miniatures and built a good relationship with a certain John Stallard who was in trade sales at the time. I discovered Shot Tower Studios through (I think) a White Dwarf ad and got permission to order them in for the store. They were never big sellers (except when we put them on clearance once the shop started more to the 'Citadel' only and in blisters times) but they were lovely pieces, drop cast and lacking in quality on any human figures but the diorama pieces were lovely and I only wish I'd kept the listing that I ordered from... I chatted to the owner and sculptor, Jim Dendy, regularly for the few months we stocked them and, as per the listing, wish I could remember those conversions! Lots of the sets had moving parts and some were quite intricate such as the secret trap in the staircase. A French hobby friend has written a booklet on the company and background and will hopefully publish it at some point. It does make great reading. In the meantime here are my pics from over time (a couple off various sources and all kudos to them including the wonderful Karl Tebb). A lot of the pieces were engraved on the rear with Jim's name and some details. 

There are also a lot of images on the Lost Minis WIKI and also on Stunties. There really is a taste of the Dragontooth City of Magic sets about these. 


The burglar sculpt was typical of any non scenery pieces.

Unknown dwarf (?), possibly based on a WWI German officer? Passed over to Kev at Stunties who has him as a limited edition piece.

Possibly linked to the dwarf biplane set? Here missing the lower wings. Better pics on Stunties via the link at the top.

Well, if anyone has more information please let me know. I would love to find a listing as I remember there being quite a lot more to the range.

Now comes the cheeky bit, if you enjoy the blog you might think of joining it (top of the page, become a Politico) and even leave a comment or two... makes me feel wanted and loved. Also, if you would care, you could buy me a cup of coffee at the link below. Every little helps.