Tuesday 18 October 2022

Dragontooth Personalities - P24 Rachir the Red Archer


Another one of Tom Loback's sculpts finished at last... I've managed to pick up examples of all the range now barring the P43 Celtic Wizard. If you have one please get in touch! The Rachir was another one based on the Elric books with a slight name change. A lovely flowing sculpt but not an easy one to paint although I'm happy with the final result. Just varnishing to go.

More later, keep yourselves safe.

Wednesday 12 October 2022

The Ruins of the Dead...


Well, I've finally got around to releasing the Tenoch temple series, hand sculpted and cast by Philip Page of Slug Industries. These are rather large and heavy pieces that will cast an imposing backdrop on gaming tables. Let me know what you think please!


Normal service to be resumed shortly!

Friday 7 October 2022

Der Kriegspielers - Lord of the Rings by any other name...


Back in the early 70's, Duke Seifried set up Custom Cast Inc which became one of America's largest manufacturer of wargame figures. Der Kriegspielers 'Fantastiques' were one of the earliest fantasy ranges (beaten by Miniature Figurines in '73 and Jack Scruby slightly after) and certainly the most diverse and colourful! The 1000 series was absolutely based on Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit with slight name changes in many case being probably too close to Tolkein's creations.

A full listing can be seen on the Lost Minis WIKI here.

I picked up a few pieces back in the day when Games Workshop (via Dalling Road mail order) imported them but they were, as was the way back then, too expensive for my meagre means. Michael Thomas now has most of the ranges available again (https://classicminiatures.net/) and I can vouch that they are indeed excellent high quality metal castings. Anyway, I was sorting through boxes and came across a bunch of the range so thought I'd better post them here... 

Lots more posts on DK if you click the labels on the right of the blog.

Hope you're all keeping well in these turbulent times.