Monday 30 April 2012

Snit's Revenge..................

Snit's Revenge (designed by the wacky Tom Wham) originally appeared in the Dragon Magazine way back in 1977. My copy, if I still have it, is well hidden although I did pick up the first TSR boardgame version is still published by Steve Jackson Games although updated to hell and back...apparently.

Grenadier released miniatures for it  not long after the Dragon Magazine version.....SR03 Organs below......

A lot more of my pics on the Lost Minis

Sunday 22 April 2012

Salute 2012........pic heavy folks!

What a great day.............beginning with the Tower of London which is a great start to the day.....too many greats but you get the picture.

Hotel room was lovely...staff were friendly and almost made me feel as if £200 was worth the 2 night stay........

Walk out of the hotel, turn right and Excel is straight in other reason I like to use the Ibis hotel!

Akula from Frothers never does things by halves and ran a World War 1 fantasy game.......

Frother's very own Uncle Evil ran the 'Frothy Races'....I almost got the hang of the rules but showed everyone why I collect and paint and do not game regularly......thanks to Frother's Doc who steered me around the track quite literally....

Frother's Rev put on the 'Most Innovative' game of the show with 'Nightmare on Froth Street' a zombie apocalypse sort of thing- he is a graphic designer in the real world and did it all himself......only from the mind of 'The Rev'.....seen here in blood stained lab coat................

Scheltrum Miniatures have released some excellent stuff over the years and have added Interwar vehicles and minis to their catalogue......

Renedra Plastics were there...........they get better and better....

Freebooters Miniatures had incredible Freebooter's Fate tables on show....I picked up the rules recently and really must get around to reading them.....that's the sculptor Werner Klocke on the left by the way....

Crawley Wargames Club put on a great looking game

No show would be complete with the pungent Bring & Buy................although not quite as bad as some years......the generally cool weather was probably a blessing in disguise....

Crooked Dice ran their 7TV game................great layout on the mountain top hideaway...the other gameboards were nice as well though..

Not sure on this one (sorry!)

Assorted pics from throughout the show..........

The Battle of Komagane from Oshiro Model Terrain.  

The world of Twilight is getting bigger and bigger.............

Warlord's own Captain Scarlet game.............

and some more exceptional scenery.............

'Not Lego' Doctor Who game..........................inspired.

All in all a great show..apparently on for the 20th April next year? Need to check the diary............check out their website - Salute.