Monday 15 July 2019

Mayan Pyramid - 28mm perfect for Oldhammer Tenoch!

A good friend is running his latest Kickstarter for the perfect Mayan pyramid. Perfect for Tenoch related adventures of course......

This project offers a 28mm Meso-American pyramid suitable for tribal, lizardmen, pulp adventures, pirate, conquistador, Cthulhu and Frostgrave gaming and many other genres. Its design is inspired by classic Maya culture but is suitable for other meso-American tribes. With its modular design and add-ons you can use this piece in many different ways. 

If you're new to this period there's even some options on some great miniatures.

The Pyramid itself............the base piece for the project, a resin clad MDF shell measuring 256x310x110mm (10.07x12.2x4.33"). This allows an easy-build kit to be shipped as a flat pack and saves on your shipping costs.

A side view showing some of the great detailing.....all painted by Mik Hollands of Gladius Arts: 

A Mayan calendar top floor is available as an add on and is interchangeable with the regular top floor....

The add on Temple...........

Amongst a veritable cornucopia of add ons, sneaky old Phil has also got a bunch of Mayan miniatures discounted as an add-on...lovely sculpts from Ged at Gringo 40's.

Also.......a skirmish warband of my own Tenoch......nicely painted here by Roger Rouse of Famespear Studios......

In place showing the actual size of the piece!

The project is lovingly dedicated to the late Linda Schele.......

Lots more add ons available so click here and back the project so we can encourage him in his madness!

Any other queries? Get hold of me here;