Sunday 29 December 2013

Peter Laing interview from 1982

No pics of minis for this but thought it may be of interest!

There is a long running thread on The Miniatures Page forum discussing the availability of castings here.

Just discovered a great blog dedicated to the search....

Saturday 28 December 2013

Minifigs Great War of the Worlds.......the 1st Martian finished...........

Fritz Haber, one of the few remaining survivors of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry in Berlin, had had the chance to examine and dissect a barely living specimen of the Martian foot soldiery. Their biology was unlike anything found on earth.....the metal-like armour was organic in origin and defied analysis by any known method. The only conclusion he came to was the fact the the armour had a symbiotic relationship with it's owner - once removed, with considerable difficulty, the bio metal solidified and became inert. When reintroduced to the same specimen the armour fused once again and repair work was almost instantaneous. The substance was then warm and soft to the touch unless force was applied in which case it solidified to an incredible degree. Away in a conference with the Kaiser, Haber was not witness to the resurrection of the alien body and the subsequent destruction of his beloved institute. Kaiser Wilhelm immediately called for the funding of a new institute deep in the Hartz Mountains - subterranean tunnels were dug and lavishly equipped with everything Haber dreamed up and asked for. Pieces of Martian armour from the few casualties they could inflict were introduced to human subjects - 1 in 300 survived the experience and the results were astounding. Psychotic criminals alone seemed able to withstand the melding of worlds and they proved almost impossible to hold back. At last we had a starting point....

MART61 Martian Standing with early pattern Stun Rifle

More at the Miniature Figurines site here.

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Great War of the Worlds ........... weapons update and background....

Following the initial invasion, the eminent Serbian scientist and inventor Nikola Tesla was invited to speak in the English Parliament. His words have been lost due to the destruction that followed however a little of the speech and circumstances survived the aftermath in the form of charred notes from the parliamentary secretary....

'I have seen the creatures in the flesh and believe they are organic the same as man. The machines we have now called Tripods are organic - an amalgamation of metals that defy the periodic table and flesh. I believe they are powered by the intake of oxygen and the breaking of the bonds that hold this element  together. I further suppose that I can replicate their technology within months......'

The rest of the speech was lost. The ramblings of the few survivors state that the prime minister, Herbert Henry Asquith, then moved forward and, placing a gun to the young Tesla's head, shot him dead. The prime minister then started shaking and collapsed....his body apparently liquified before the horrified onlookers. Two descriptions of the events that followed have enough similarities to allow belief. From the melting protoplasmic mess that slowly moved across the floor, 2 tentacles description states there was a breaking of the floor underneath so there is a possibility that this was, as so many of the Martian invasion tactics, a pre planted seed. The tentacles grew to a size unbelievable to those unlucky enough to be in the chamber...slowly they sprouted multiple offshoots and methodically took apart the human figures within. The 2 surviving recollections are full of the horror of broken minds. The first the outside world knew of this incident was when the Houses of Parliament imploded.....that bastion of Empire was no more and the then British Government had been fragmented.

After the assassination of Tesla there came a point where the Martian forces almost overran the human coalition. Britain had not been alone in the piecemeal taking apart of authority. The unpopular introduction of penal battalions allowed a breathing space....the prison populations of Europe were thrown in front of massed alien hordes armed with whatever was available....they faced death from all sides - retreat was not feasible.....the hastily imported Russian Commissar Death units saw to that. Retreat was certain death. Following the belated Russian Revolution that had almost caused the downfall of the country, governments, or what was left of them, around the world adopted many of the new communist principles. A very young Edward Mosely who had been holidaying in Greece at the time of the destruction of parliament rose to a form of power when he created his fascist 'Blackshirt' battalion. Society realised it had little to choose from at this time.....Emily Pankhurst created the first women's battalions. Many more followed. All sections of society pulled together, those that didn't were pulled. The Styal 427 Boys Workhouse Battalion had their names written in the history books when they came across a downed this day no-one understands why it was lying there in the mud...lifeless and dormant. The renowned scientists of the time, Thomas Edison and Philo Farnsworth, headed the deconstruction programme of this Martian technology. The first output from the vast underground factories was the Edison-Farnsworth Disintegration Ray...famously unwieldy and prone to self destruction it was, however, the first weapon able to take out the Martian tripods and to start allowing mankind the ability to fight on a more even playing field......

GWW53 Martian Hunter with Edison-Farnsworth Disintegration Ray

as always;

Saturday 14 December 2013

Tom Loback - Thomas' Tin Soldiers Catalogue - 1997

Tom just found one of his old listings and was kind enough to share. These pics are all his own. My original post with pics of the range is here

If you are interested in this style of mini then a good website is here; Treefrog Treasures.

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Dear Tony Blair - the miniatures....

In or around 1974 I started enjoying aspects of this hobby.....almost 40 years later I have gone to do something of my own...........2 Evil Duergar by Bob Olley and Derek the Troll (old White Dwarf comic strip penned by Lew Stringer) sculpted by the boy genius George Fairlamb....

Once the greens arrived with Pete at The Mouldmaker they were spaced on the mold rubber and the cavities made...this ensures the rubber flows around the green with less pressure that could lead to damage and mis-molding....all pics below courtesy of Pete....

Maggie's face pushed down as far as it will go......

placed in the can ready for the pressing of the actual mold....note the placement of the molding studs...

Pete carefully prises the mold halves apart....

and lo and behold there came unto Pete a beautifully crafted spin mold..

the alchemical reactions of green to brown....where is Gordon?

and the cast themselves..DTB 1 

DTB 2....

and a troll...this one will not for be for sale as it was based (as above) on the GW creation Derek the Troll by Lew Stringer and was given to me as such. See Lew's comments.

The man himself, Pete brown of The Mouldmaker...a true character with possibly one of the best jobs in the industry....

More details once the 'Disorganised Me' sorts things idea what to call them as idea how to package idea how to.......well, you get the drift.