Saturday 25 October 2014

Wargames Foundry / Warmonger Miniatures update...

Blatantly copied off the Warmonger Facebook page as I think it needs more publicity. Kev Adams is back and sculpting like a demon.........

We don't have any kind of distribution for these Orkgobogrings or Beastpeople at the moment. We will put a proper website up eventually. We are considering doing a kickstarter to get them started. We also have about twenty kevin dwarfs that have not had a proper release since some of them had short lived availability about ten years ago. I think that Steve has some of them up on Eldritch Epistles somewhere.
As we have not done a Kickstarter before we will probably practice with a couple of smaller projects before we do anything BIG.
So we have been talking about doing a Street Violence kickstarter for our first try.
We already have our big Street Violence urban warfare and dark mayhem range up on our slow and disorganised website, but we have perhaps 20 or so lost models that have not been available for a long time (including a few fine but never seen SliperryNotts if we can find them) and we think that we should practice kickstartering with them first and then perhaps following up with the Kevin (and Mike Owen) Dwarfs.
Maybe also a small Kevin sculpted Victorian range that we have kicking about.
Then we might feel competant enough to do a proper job with the Gobogreorcktrollinged Greenskins and the various Beastcreatures.

The three photos below are just us messing about putting beastmen heads on Orcly bodies. The brighty puttied Cowman in the middle is a new Kevin Orc and the two chaps toting long range blunderbusses are a couple of models that Kevin never finished years ago. They were both very relieved to finally get heads. Grimbgore has been asking if he can have proper trews and a servicable coat.

Squintyfart Laughbucket here was the souvenir presented to the 130 or so Oldhammer gents who turned up to our event here at Stoke Hall

Don't forget you can get Foundry miniatures from their 3 eBay sites now....

Keep checking Foundry's main web page for the mean time more pics on Steve Casey's Eldritch Epistles blog....

Friday 10 October 2014

Alchemists of Dirz (Confrontation) painted by Jim Bowen

I was rooting in drawers earlier and came across these that I picked up off Jim a few years back. Lovely paint jobs which I have tried to emulate with the standard bearer at the bottom....long way to go to finish but thought people would like to see some of Jim's work. Such a shame he passed away. Sorely missed, never forgotten.

The miniatures were out of production for some time but have now been released over on the Cadwallon site here although how I am ever going to paint a standard like the one on the page I do not know......

Thursday 2 October 2014

Another wave of piratey goodness.....

Another 3 figures finished. I am becoming a painting machine like my good mate Tony Yates... almost... one Foundry, one Tercio Creativo and one Tale of War...

Tale of War 060003 Sloot Gunner... now oop...although they crop up on eBay and a lot of internet shops every so often... these are very large sculpts but then people do come in all shapes and sizes... comparison pics further below....

Tercio Creativo 'Nicolas Lopez' available here

This is a resin piece - you may notice some crackling on the cloak.....I think this is the matt coat reacting to the gloss... I gloss varnished him over a week ago so this is quite a worrying trend... possibly the change in weather as we move to the darkness of Winter...

One of the many Will Hannah (where are now Will?) sculpts for Wargames Foundry - available here. One of the best pirate ranges out there. Do tell them I sent you please...

4 out the 120 or so Foundry Pirates I have... these are the only ones that I've actually painted....the lead mountain is large....

Stand next to a WWF wrestler and this size differential is not so uncommon... at least that is my excuse anyway......

An earlier Tale of War 'Captain Hook' from their 'Tale Revision' range.. on closer inspection I think I should revisit the eyes on both but... well, that isn't going to happen... eBay tends to be your best bet if you want to find these minis nowadays.

As usual;