Friday 30 August 2019

Rospaks - hard plastic minis of previous times...

A while back I picked up a few packs of these hard plastic miniatures. I'd read about them in my youth in the Heroics & Ros advertisements and always fancied them but never threw caution to the wind. They were apparently only available from December 1981 - October 1982 before, depending on who you listen to, they stopped production due to financial considerations / were bought off by metal wargame miniature manafacturers... shades of a conspiracy methinks...

Advertisement from May 1982 (Military Modelling)

They were bagged up in polythene with a stapled card header...

Loose examples of AG2 Scythian Archers and Thracian Peltasts...

AG3 Greek Cavalry

The figures are a little poor in detail and quality, closer to soft plastic really, but they must have filled a niche as the production costs were rather high... kind of adds to the mystery of stopping production. Heroics & Ros are still going strong although they have changed hands a decade or so ago. They specialise in 1/300 wargaming miniatures and it's great to see them at Salute in London on my annual exodus. Long may they prosper. They did do a Sci Fi infantry range of which I picked a pack up a few years back (although they're no longer on the website), I must find it and take some pics.

There is an excellent article on Rospaks at The Plastic Soldier Review here with lots more pics.

If you have any extra images or anecdotes about Rospaks please comment below or email me on;

Tuesday 27 August 2019

3 days to go... Rabbits need a hop, skip and a jump!

Well, it's getting close to the end and we're still a way off hitting target... I've added some smaller rewards for those that want purely fantasy or sc-fi/post apocalyptic types... I've also taken a bunch of new pics...

The Fantasy 7...

The Sci Fi trio...

Painted set of 10...

Dungeon adventuring will never be the same...

Post Apocalytic robots hunting coneys...

An old Grenadier Star Soldier trooper confronts the trio...

Thursday 22 August 2019

Painted Bunnies on the way...

I've now been sent pics of all 10 minis painted by the inestimable secret painter... I'll be basing the minis this weekend hopefully once I'm back from my travels up in Northumberland scouting for Haggis... only 8 days left and just nudging the halfway point... you know you want to give these bunnies a good home...


As always, comment below or give me a shout on

Hadrian's Wall carrying on to the right from Houseteads fort...

To the left...

Staring out into the evil North from the middle of the North Gate...

The Lorica Segmenta from Corbridge...

Tuesday 13 August 2019

Hinchliffe 1970's Sci Fi conundrum partially solved...

Whilst looking for some images of Hinchliffe Models' chariot pieces to solve another puzzle, I came across a February 1975 advertisement on the wonderful old catalogue resource Mirosoft... I've used it many times before and, indeed, foresee using it a lot in the future... Anyway, searching through a Hinchliffe Models' ads PDF I finally found a title for SF15 which has, so far, been an unknown... most listings jumping from SF14 to SF16... we finally have SF15 Martian Dog. So, a partly solved puzzle now needing a picture of a Peter Gilder sculpted Calot.

More on the full range here;

SF1 Red Martian officer

SF2 Red Martian trooper, radium rifle

SF3 Red Martian trooper, long and short sword

SF4 Red Martian Female, radium pistol

SF5 Black Martian trooper, radium rifle

SF6 White Martian, sword, attacking

SF7 White Martian, sword, defending

SF8 Green Martian, swords

SF9 Green Martian, sword and axe

SF10 Hero, possibly John Carter himself!

 SF11 Red Martian Princess

SF12  Giant Martian Ape

SF13  Plantman

SF14 Martian Lion

SF15 Martian Dog

SF16 Red Martian trooper, mounted on Thoat.

SF17 Green Martian mounted on Thoat

Lots of info on John Carter ranges below (although it does need an update);

Any thoughts please leave a comment or give me a shout on