Thursday 23 December 2021

We (almost) have another dragon!

Well, as we come close to 2022 I thought it good to show the dragon sculpt... John Pickford has really pulled out the stops on this one... not sure if it'll be resin or metal as yet but it's a wonderful piece of sculpting art. Furled wings to follow....

He will, of course, be our second dragon... the first being Noggin the Nog's Groliffe the Ice Dragon, treasurer of the Dragon's Friendly Society (established clerical grade.) sculpted by Martin Buck...

Don't forget to become a Politico (top left, grow the lead revolution please) or even hit 'The Little Soldier Company' banner at the top and pick up some pieces... every little helps. 

Also, if you would care, you could buy me a cup of coffee at the link below... miniature collecting is thirsty work.


Phil Curran said...

I had that Ral Partha Dragon and sent it to a pro-painter for completion and never got it back. I'll be buying yours when it comes out.
Does it come with a clanger????

Rodor said...

Beautiful dragon, it immediately reminds us of Smaug from "The hobbit". John Pickford did a great job! Not only is the monster's position very natural, but there is a lot of detail and variety in the treasure it holds ... even a poor knight's gravestone! Could you write here what the exact measures of the miniature are?

David Wood said...

Everything tidied away for Xmas but it’s approximately 10pms long and 40mm high, excluding the wings.

David Wood said...

Clangers optional 😇