Tuesday 12 January 2021

Gary Gygax, November 1971 Game Report - The Battle of Brown Hills


Whilst researching Minifigs Middle Earth range, I came across this article in Wargamer's Newsletter (No.116, November 1971) by the master himself and thought I should share immediately! Full cudos to http://www.fourcats.co.uk/mags/ who have been scanning the Newsletters for the world to enjoy.

Hopefully of high enough quality to read easily enough, probably best to download then you can enlarge them. I'll be uploading a Peter Laing 15mm catalogue soon.

If you like the blog, please follow it and become a Politico please (top left) - it makes me feel like I'm appreciated! Also, if you fancy buying me a coffee, I'm always grateful... miniature collecting is thirsty work.

Any thoughts please leave a comment and/or email me on enquiries@deartonyblair.co.uk


robotforaday said...

What a cool find! So based on your knowledge of the history of fantasy wargaming, how much of the forces he's listing would have been available at the time as fantasy miniatures? I'm guessing the bulk of it would have been airfix conversions and the like? But even so, I'm curious what he'd have done for something like the Ogres.

Unknown said...

He took a package of 75mm toy Indians from a bag of Hong Kong plastic figurines. He then used glue, green putty and balsa wood to modify them and then gave them sickly green, blue and orange paint jobs with lots of spots. Fought mostly against them in my Chainmail games.

tradgardmastare said...

Most interesting, thanks for sharing. By the way do you know if anyone wrote a backstory for the Minifigs science fiction figures? When you look at the range you wonder where the ideas came from...

David Wood said...

I think conversions were the only way back then.

David Wood said...

Wonderful. Do they still exist?

David Wood said...

Never heard of one but would be great if someone knew.

Ian Dury said...

Re your statement that yoyu would be uploading a Peter Laing list, I uploaded a 'cleaned up' version in MS Word format to the Peter Laing MeWe Community here: https://c.mewe.com/api/v2/doc/shared/5cba4eb2cf340b2c9dc7eec2/PETER+LAING+LISTING+31.12.14.docx?download

Ian Dury said...

Regarding the ‘Minifigs’ science fiction range, there are some pictures (but no history) in the ‘Lost Minis Wiki’:
Looking at those pictures, I have a strong suspicion that at least some of those figures were inspired by the various ‘Dr Who’ aliens of the 60s and 70s - just compare ‘Cehan Pinheads’ with ‘Sontarans’ and I think you will see what I mean:

Woolshedwargamer said...

Cool. Thanks for posting that.