Friday 10 October 2014

Alchemists of Dirz (Confrontation) painted by Jim Bowen

I was rooting in drawers earlier and came across these that I picked up off Jim a few years back. Lovely paint jobs which I have tried to emulate with the standard bearer at the bottom....long way to go to finish but thought people would like to see some of Jim's work. Such a shame he passed away. Sorely missed, never forgotten.

The miniatures were out of production for some time but have now been released over on the Cadwallon site here although how I am ever going to paint a standard like the one on the page I do not know......


Blaxkleric said...

Just painting up some of Jim's Graven Images sculpts at the moment. Genuinely one of the greats and much missed. Great posting and some nice pics of Jim's work.

David Wood said...

Thanks. His Graven Images work is fantastic......I really need to pick p the various 'toys' he did in one of the ranges.