Thursday 2 October 2014

Another wave of piratey goodness.....

Another 3 figures finished. I am becoming a painting machine like my good mate Tony Yates... almost... one Foundry, one Tercio Creativo and one Tale of War...

Tale of War 060003 Sloot Gunner... now oop...although they crop up on eBay and a lot of internet shops every so often... these are very large sculpts but then people do come in all shapes and sizes... comparison pics further below....

Tercio Creativo 'Nicolas Lopez' available here

This is a resin piece - you may notice some crackling on the cloak.....I think this is the matt coat reacting to the gloss... I gloss varnished him over a week ago so this is quite a worrying trend... possibly the change in weather as we move to the darkness of Winter...

One of the many Will Hannah (where are now Will?) sculpts for Wargames Foundry - available here. One of the best pirate ranges out there. Do tell them I sent you please...

4 out the 120 or so Foundry Pirates I have... these are the only ones that I've actually painted....the lead mountain is large....

Stand next to a WWF wrestler and this size differential is not so uncommon... at least that is my excuse anyway......

An earlier Tale of War 'Captain Hook' from their 'Tale Revision' range.. on closer inspection I think I should revisit the eyes on both but... well, that isn't going to happen... eBay tends to be your best bet if you want to find these minis nowadays.

As usual;


daveb said...

How did you get the black lines on the one fellows pants so crisp? Is it masked and airbrushed? Or some other clever technique.

Looks fantastic.

John Lambshead said...

Is that bloke with the cannon compensating for something...:)

Beautiful models, by the way.

David Wood said...

Black undercoat and then a lot of patience and over painting mistakes for the stripes......2 shades of colour.....tempted for more but my eyesight is not too good these days......