Thursday 21 May 2015

Kev Adams meets Foundry = Warmonger!

I had the great opportunity to meet up with Kev 'Goblinmaster' Adams at Salute recently. Great bloke and wonderful sculptor who brings the old school into new school. Bryan, Diane and Marcus Ansell are heading up the new Warmonger range that promises to be 'wow'!! I picked up a set of the latest sculpts and have managed, post divorce and house move, to finally paint a set of the Goblins. Now, as per previous posts, they have many, many more greens to mold up and I look forward to them all......keep a lookout on their Facebook page here.

Edit - new website now launched;

Edit II - more painted!

All 5 together....the 2 on the right have been glossed then mattcoated....

Edit - another two finished although yet to be varnished.....

As they came from Salute.....the eclectic madness in me wonders if I should be keeping them 'mint in blister' for future generations to marvel at.....

All of these and more will be on display at the 'Oldhammer' weekend at Foundry....31st July to the 2nd event not to be missed if you can possibly make it....I am keeping fingers crossed although may have children in tow......

One of the older boys......just look at the attention to detail on that standard....I should have him painted in time for the next Olympics.....

Orcling watchtower....just 'wow'!

Please excuse the out of focus rear view....severe man flu meant I didn't notice it till now...I'll take another pic and replace shortly.....

I was missing the Shaman so glad to find him on the racks at Salute.... unpainted horde awaits......told you I liked them just a little....

I do have a bunch more including some basic conversions where I've managed to pick up duplicates but...following the house move....they are nowhere to be found....doh!

Don't forget to keep a lookout on the Facebook link above and also the Wargames Foundry site here or their Facebook page here. They update both regularly and you can pop questions on the Facebook page as well. Modern technology...the days of writing a letter, including a stamped addressed envelope and hoping for a reply are long gone....

Foundry also have a good eBay presence for different ranges...occasionally they have suprise blisters up so worth keeping an eye open....

and finally;

Dave Thomas, that Geordie beer swilling purveyor of fine things at most shows, also has an eBay site that has some Foundry Orcs in from time to time...

There is also the Kev Adams Challenge blog that tries to keep up with all Kev's work over the years...I've contributed a few things myself and it's well worth checking out....

If you do contact people via me please mention my blog....I like to push it where I can and publicity is always good hence my latest investment.......excuse the non-ironed look please!

As always and c&c please leave a comment and/or contact me via; 


Katsuhiko JiNNai said...

WELL done :)
I think I will buy some goblins & orcs too, when they will be finally available in the warmonger/foundry store :)

David Wood said...

Just about to edit the post as they've set up a website. New minis available soon...I've just put an order in for some I'm missing.