Monday 10 October 2016

Grenadier Gamma World Hoops and Bunnies & Burrows Rabbits....

Intelligent rabbits.....what's not to like?

Over the course of the years I've managed to pick up a few miniatures from Both Grenadier's Gamma World and Bunnies & Burrows ranges....all too few unfortunately although I persevere as usual.

Fantasy Games Unlimited Inc. released role playing rules based, of course, on Watership Down (watched the film, never read the book) back in 1976. Steve Jackson (US one, not our UK person of note) Games has published a new version in case you are interested here. Gamma World was published by TSR a little later back in 1978. Collection wise, I have the Gamma World rule set however still need the original B&B book.......

There is an excellent WIKI page on B&B here and Gamma World here.

I have fond memories of first seeing a picture of Bunnies & Burrows in an early Games Workshop catalogue back in the 70s. although didn't have the funds for it of course.....

The Gamma World miniatures' line contains just one pack - G-31 Hoops (blister pic courtesy of Noble Knight Games). I'm still unable to work out the content of the pack although it seems to be a mix of 4 sculpts.....

 The Bunnies & Burrows line contained just 4 blisters; 

BB1 Warbucks

BB2 Scouts & Runners

BB3 Seers & Herbalists

BB4 Mavericks & Storytellers

The miniature pics in blue are those in my own collection, any others I am in need of........I have a few to trade so please get in contact via the usual route.....


Springinsfeld said...

I remember hearing of this game, and being self righteously angry (in a way only a 13 year old can) that it was some sort of mickey take of my beloved "serious" D&D....of course I was completely wrong. Watership Down was all the rage back in the late 70's I recall, although we did the book at school I found it pretty heavy going. The film was pretty heart wrenching as I remember.Fascinating have some seriously eclectic figures in your hoard.

David Wood said...

I think we all have interesting bits amongst us. It's filling the eclectic gaps that is the problem!