Thursday 29 June 2017

Lamming Miniatures - little job lot....

As the picture shows... so happy to pick these up. They'll be joining the painting queue once the old 'secret projects' are completed... a selection of ancient Egyptian types and the friends/foes...

I remember reading an interview with Bill Lamming many years back, possibly in Battle for Wargamers magazine or Military Modelling? I seem to recall that he started sculpting from blocks of lead whilst recuperating from an operation whilst in hospital. See the history post lower down memory may be failing... Bill was one of the true old school crowd. His miniatures were really full of character. He did sculpt a small range of 20mm World War 2 Germans towards the end of production, should have picked some up. Lovely minis.

Here are a few of my pics along with a couple found on t'internet over time, apologies to original posters, all kudos to you and I'll remove if any issues (can't remember who I took them off).

ME1 Merlin and ME? Sorcerer's Apprentice... as I got them, one varnished and one undercoated...

Stripped well...

Awaiting varnishing... haven't based them as I've decided on starting keeping some with their original bases...only on the plastic ones for painting purposes...

Bunch of Greek cavalry off eBay... should have picked them up.

Packaging - I did pick up a baggie the other day, can't remember the contents, as I'd never known them to be bagged.

My Vikings, bought back in the day and actually painted... around '77 I think as they were based using wood veneers from O Level woodwork classes. A few Dixon and Garrison minis hiding amongst them...

Some lovely naval fellows...

My first Romans along with a Minifigs AX Archer.

Medieval knight...

Greek hoplite....

Side mounted princess...

Arab archer...

There's a really nice history here on Chuck's Vintage Wargaming;

A couple of old school Lamming on this nice blog amongst more old school Asgard and more...

Do of course check out Lamming posts on The Old Metal Detector blog - one of the best old school historical blogs on the internet...

He did release a Medieval ruleset - Medieval Campaign and Battle Rules (One-to-One) (1976)

 Check out Boardgame Geek for more details...

East Riding Miniatures have bought up the rights however only have a small selection of medievals so far..... (edit - 16/09/2024 - now sold on and lots available with new additions planned)

If you have any old ranges hanging about do send some pics and I'll add them to the post.

Edit - a few advertisements I found from Model Soldier magazines 1978/1979...

Along with a review!


WSTKS-FM Worldwide said...

Great old figures! I've never seen any Lammings close up, although I certainly remember ads in MM and Miniature Wargames 30+ years ago. Your repainting of the sorcerer and apprentice does them justice. The way you rendered the eyes and brows (subtle and undramatic) is particularly effective.

Best Regards,


Independentwargamesgroup said...

My favourites were his Renaissance range, especially his landsnects, they were very good figures. I also enjoyed Bill's skirmish rules for the medieval period, they went well with his knights.A real gentleman in real life.

David Wood said...

Thanks Stokes. I love trying to breathe life into these old minis.

Robbie - I vaguely remember the Landsknechts - separate heads?

So much more to find!

Springinsfeld said...

Great post..... and lovely figures. Did Mr. Lamming make any other Fantasy figures? I have the wizards apprentice with and without book, but no others.

David Wood said...

Wizard's apprentice without the book? Doh! There's another one I need to lookout for! I think that was the closest he ever came to fantasy.

Ben Brooks said...

You've probably already seen it, but Reviresco has started rereleasing more McEwan figures.

Thought you'd be interested.

David Wood said...

I got his email thanks Ben. Great news. Waiting for the old Acheron pieces!

Big Andy said...

Just found this post. Back in the day I had lots of Lamming Medievals and later ECW. All I have left now are a few ECW cavalry. I recall the the Ladsknects were superb. I keep my eye out for the ECW still.

David Wood said...

Hi Andy, I got the Hinchliffe Landsknechts when they first came out which were gobsmackingly 'wow' at the time. Still have some of them somewhere.....

Anonymous said...

Good afternoon David,
Thanks for an excellent blog always a good read.
As a long term Lamming Medieval figures fan, I thought I would let you know that
East Riding Miniatures are producing all the old medieval range.

Here is a link.

Just ordered some more, to add to my 25mm army.

Happy gaming,
Willz Harley.

David Wood said...

Thanks Willz,

Good to hear thank you!

All the best,


Unknown said...

These comments may be well out of date since 2018 comments which I have just read, BUT, my name is Tom Houltby and if you ever acquired a copy of our medieavl rules you will see Bill Lamming and myself were friends and partners.
Bill has unfortunately died and he left me his entire Figures collection, I still have the ECW army which I will never part with and his encredible entire WWII D Day Landings (Thousands of German/USA/British figures and vehicles (Hundreds) which he meticuluously built and painted).These will soon be put into an auction as I am getting old and no one to pass them on to.
I have since written my own ECW rules to compliment Bills ECW figures.
Some of your older readers may remember me at many of the shows we visited.
Tom Houltby

David Wood said...

Hi Tom,

So sorry to hear about Bill. I know he sold his moulds etc on and they are getting a new lease of life. A lot of love out there for Bill and his works. If you would like me to promote your auction/sales please email me on Any pics or details would be great. It would be nice to post them here for posterity as well.

All the best,


Jon S said...

So, just in case anyone reads this post in 2022 and beyond... A lovely chap called Martin Cameron now owns the Lamming name and range. He his re-mastering and moulding as much of Bill's stuff as he can. Just search Lamming Miniatures and you'll find him. And David, guess what? Those 20mm WW2 figures are back in production!

Anonymous said...

Hi tom just read your your comments have you sent your collection to auction yet as you know I also have a large quantity of Bills miniatures which like yourself need to find someone who is interested in owning them .Biils niece Carole