Sunday 6 August 2017

Wargames Foundry release the BOYL minis...

Wonderful sets of old Citadel minis along with some by the old school maestro Tony Yates. These were on sale at the recent 'Bring Out Your Lead' event but are now on general release. Well worth a punt if I do say so myself......having already picked them up at the show of course 😀.

A missing warrior from the Blandford series.

Lord of Chaos by Tony

Hobbs, a missing Citadel medieval figure

Medieval artillery crew

Ninjas, lots of Ninjas!

Tony's wonderful Warmaster and Blade Wife.


custom writing service reviews said...

I really like the little figurine but I would like to know why is it not in colors and why is it in a grey worm is there some reason behind it for being in this color?.

David Wood said...

They're still in grey undercoat as they were quick pictures to get on their website. I'm sure they'll have properly painted ones up soon!