The sun shined down on us so it was still a good sign.....Mark drove to drop Dom off so I ended up there a little early and chatted to all and sundry whilst the breakfast food and drinks were being readied. Treated myself to a sausage and egg carries on once home......
One of the highlights to the day was meeting up with Kev Adams again. Top bloke and sculptor......he was doing head sculpts for charity so I bought a Guggorfincrush Bonegrinder and merrily watched whilst he cut the face off a proceeded to sculpt an orcish variant of me....Bryan looked at it and said it needed some more head so I started laughing as Kev sat back and gave me more head. Totally puerile humor but that's me.....
Maria brought this box over for the charity donations......of course this started me off so she had to amend the wording.....
Talked a lot with Bryan about sculpting. He showed me how to take the ball out of the tip of a ballpoint pen and then use the end to create easy eyes and chainmail, padded armour nails etc as they used to do in the old days. He then went on to do a thumbnail sculpt which he said he would peel off later and maybe add to a banner / shield....
One of Bryan's pencil sketches.....
Old Chaz Elliott sculpts of Discworld characters (produced in the 80s by Clarecraft, now long gone)....found them in the display cabinets....
This was the head on Jamie Loft's orc. Maria has taken pics off all of them and will hopefully publish them at some point....
Kev at work on Mark's daughter's sculpts.
Mark, Marcus and Bryan deep in conversation whilst I was trying to get a decent pic of Kev in action...
Kev Dallimore painted Foundry orcs etc....all Kev's sculpts.
Another game in progress.....
I got cajoled into playing the Orcling hopper bouncing game....
I ended up being the first out (threw 2 sixes in a row which meant my hopper burst I think...) although I'd picked up the highest point value barrel and was well on my way back home......Garth James stole the victory....... Great little game with a lot of twist and turns. First game I've played in years. I got a participation set of orcling hoppers though!

My mate Tony Yates picked me up John Blanche's signature yesterday.....another excellent little addition to my horde of things.....
This was an ancient conversion from the studio back in the day...scratchbuilt motorbike and sidecar with reworked orcs from the TA Orc War Machine....please ignore the symbology, those were different days in the hobby.
Tony Yates sketched me a Tenoch lizardman. Wonderful.
A great day out as usual and the perfect end to a near perfect weekend. Once again many thanks to the organisers including Garth James and the Ansell family. There is another little show later in the year.....more once I get the info.
Great weekend mate! Counting down to next time!!
I really must go one year
A very pleasant read. I'm glad that you had a good time.
Dave, Thanks so much for posting all three days! I'm jealous!
Thanks Joel, one day I'll join you at GenCon or similar!!
Great to see you there again, David. Here's to next time!
Good to see you there David, one of these days we're going to have to have a conversation about Asgard.
Great to see you as well. Are you in the Asgard collectors Facebook group?
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