Monday 26 November 2018

A vanity Noggin the Nog sculpt now cast up.....vanity we tells you!

Some years back, Pete Brown of The Mouldmaker mentioned his love of Noggin the Nog in a Facebook (I think) conversation and I got to thinking that there were no sculpts for this immortal series.......sooooooooooo.....I threw caution to the wind and sculpted one out of epoxy putty......the results were certainly not earth shattering ('I've seen worse' said Pete very diplomatically) however when the latest Noggin master mould was being made up there was space for my own piece........pure vanity and not a commercial release for obvious reasons!

Nog cavalry and new crows painted by the marvelous Andy Hides.... 

Masters of the Woodsman and Miner - note that the Miner can be used without the larger base on Nick Cases' boardgame 'Tales of the Northlands'.....

Poor pic of both versions of the flying machine and the Kickstarter badge painted again by Andy....

More soon!

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