Thursday 12 September 2019

Dragontooth Rhino Riders - Old School meets Oldhammer

Way back in 1978, Tom Loback General Artworks, as Dragontooth Inc was first known, released upon the world a set of poorly sculpted Rhino Riders... they were made by Mike Gilbert, well known for his excellent drawing and rule writing skills. Mike's sculpting style was very crude however they really are so old school they deserve a place in the annals of miniature history. The rhinos themselves are not too bad so I wonder if they were sculpted by another of the team at the time? They could have been released earlier as Tom Loback (RIP) started the company up in 1975.

The first line drawing in the 1978 catalogue is, I think, by Mike although C79 has me a little confused.

The listing as it appeared in 1978...

They disappeared from the catalogue, along with the Mammalian Boar Riders by 1981. In fact Mike Gilbert, the sculptor, appears to have had most of his sculpts removed by then.

Onto the figures themselves...

RH1 Rhino Rider with Spear, standing...

RH2 Rhino Rider with Axe, charging...

RH3 Rhino Rider with Lance, charging...

Due to the slightly ornate helmet I thought a rear view would be nice...

BR4 Rhino Rider Officer with Sword...

This figure looks like he needs 2 weapons however he is only supplied with the sword, scabbard and shield...

Edit 3rd October 2019... found a 5th unlisted archer... doesn't appear to be a conversion. If anyone has it in a listing please let me know.

Mike Gilbert, along with his (I assume) wife, Sheila, wrote and illustrated the Archworld Fantasy Miniatures Rules, released by FGU in 1979... This copy does have a pride of place in my library.

Barring the gold plated male centaur and the pegasus, I've never these pieces below. It would be nice to have a picture if anyone has them?

Another of Mike Gilbert's sculpts were the Gelmen... they were truly terrible however, as is my norm, I have a hankering for them...

Most Dragontooth scupts are pictured on the Lost Minis WIKI here.

Comments below if you will or direct to me on


Shaun said...

Great post. It does look as though the rhino was by someone else, who knows, maybe he (Gilbert) was really good at rhino's.

NSDean said...

The Boar riders aren't a bad sculpt but its nearly impossible to get a good photograph of them.

tradgardmastare said...

Do the Archworld rules give a good game still?

David Wood said...

No idea on their gaming aspect I just collect rules as well as minis!

Unknown said...

Same dichotomy is true with the Boar Riders and Arctic Warriors -- figures are not as well sculpted as the boars or polar bears... that said, I still love'm -- late 70's / early 80's fantasy minis at their naive zenith!