Thursday 26 May 2022

McEwan Miniatures, Starguard, Stan Johansen and the Baralizar!


 I got my first McEwan miniatures back in the later 70's when Games Workshop imported them... they were very much 25mm and proper scale as opposed to the exaggerated sculpts we were becoming used to. He had a great mix of minis and they have stood the test of time as still available once again today! Stan Johansen had a massive range of varied subjects including the original Space Marines... GW anyone? Rich Brown has set himself the awesome task of getting a lot of old ranges some new life. He is also stocking those pesky rabbits, the Baralizar, from my own Little Soldier Company and incorporating them into the Star Armor rules... He is currently building up the following lines; McEwan Minis, Fictioneers (including the 'not John Carter' Sitan Giants), Star Armor and WWII Allies & Axis. He has a plethora of other items up as well so go visit him...

Whilst Rich is getting everything set up and running, there are always the Lost Minis WIKI pages to peek at.

The few pics below are c/o Rich and used with his permission. Only a small selection, the first being the category listing from the website.

And a favourite of mine...

Not forgetting the Baralizar... it's great to have them more easily available overseas with the crazy postage prices we have these days for sending from the UK.

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