Wednesday 1 June 2022

The Vermin have arrived... almost...


A new race has entered Geründerland... the Vermin... up for discounted pre-order with a hopeful delivery mid June. Accompanied by a Soulslayer and a Liche, they can throw terror onto your tabletop... flee you fools!

This is a new venture for me instead of using Kickstarter which tends to be a little long winded, especially if it's just for a small release... every pun intended. The minis will go into general release later in the month but this does give the bonus of cheap figures!


Rodor said...

Nice variation on the vermin theme, with a twinning with creatures from the world of Lovecraft ...
Since all ratmen are hooded, are they conceived as some sort of cultist?

David Wood said...

I haven't worked on the background to a great extent... will be this week I hope but you've put a great idea in my mind, thank you!