Friday 22 July 2022

Dragontooth Oliphant and Cumulus the Storm Giant...


Two Dragontooth giants… a little pun intended. Cumulus the Storm Giant and the Oliphant. Cumulus is hollow cast but still weighs in at 823g. His thunderbolt had been replaced with one made out of plastic card of some sort… broken anyway. The Oliphant weighs in at a mere 643g by comparison… I'm not 100% certain of the sculptor but I assume the late Tom Loback sculpted the Cumulus and possibly the Oliphant... I think someone else may have done the Haradrim? Both sculpts from the late 70's.

In fact I do have two pics that Tom sent me some years back... he did sculpt the Oliphant and this was painted by Steve Tofano.

Not sure on this painted example, just found it on my laptop... nice anyway!

The 1978 catalogue lists it although without any images...

The 1979 catalogue however features it on the front cover...

And on to Cumulus...

I believe this is Tom's painted one however I could be wrong. Please give me a shout if you know otherwise...

The 1978 Catalogue drawing...

That's it for now folks!

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EY said...

I don't think I've ever seen that Storm Giant before. It looks amazing!

tradgardmastare said...

What wonderful figures!

Rodor said...

Both are great miniatures! Could you specify the approximate height of the elephant with tower and the giant? They must be impressive, even if on a 25mm scale.
The war elephant is clearly inspired by LoTR's Haradrims, but in the catalog it says "Harradrin": a printing error or a deliberate variation to avoid copyright problems?

David Wood said...

@Rodor - the elephant is approximately 120mm to the top of the towers. The Giant around 100mm. All packed away now unfortunately.