Sunday 25 August 2024

Vae Victis Subscription Miniatures


VaeVictis (Latin for "woe to the vanquished", or "woe to the conquered") magazine is a French publication dedicated to wargamers... originally started in 1995 it has, over the years, released 'subscription' miniatures in packs of 3. I first became interested when I read on Lead Adventure Forum that there was a set produced by the Perry twins although, unfortunately, I've lost the thread there. According to the Lost Minis WIKI Historex (via 'Prestige Figurine') produced most of the figures with Wargames Foundry being responsible for just one... possibly the aforementioned. I've no idea of the sculptors however live in hope that some of you may know! I picked up one set (the 2000 subscription) recently via eBay as below;

The set contains Vercingetorix, Surcouf and Nelson par Batisse... now, who can give me a background for Surcouf? First image c/o the eBay seller I picked it up off. Other images are via eBay over the years and more recently. Posted here for information only. I have no dates for the other sets and there is little information to be found... so far! Over to you!

Philippe Auguste, Turenne et Joiffre

Jeanne d'Arc, D'Artegnan Mousquetaire du Roi et Napoleon Par Batisse

Leonidas, La Rochejaqeulin, General Leclerc

Charles de Gaulle, Charlemagne, Louis XIV

Charles Martel, Henri IV, Officier Francais en Indochine - 1954

Duguesclin, Prince de Conde and Marechal Ney

These are the Perry sculpts, images c/o the Wayback Machine capturing an old Foundry page that no longer exists. They are currently available from foundry, links below the images.

Charlemagne (not The Blossoms variety)

Louis XIV

Napoleon (caricature)

The magazine's website is; although I can't seem to find a UK distributor.

If you have any more info please leave a comment below or contact me (as always!) on;


Citizen Sade said...

FWIW, Charlemagne looks more like Mark Copplestone’s work than the Perry’s.

Dylanpig said...

We have a page on Lost Minis Wiki for the magazine.