Sunday, 5 January 2025

Dragonooth Gelmen and Grenadier Gamma World

 As a lot of you know, my old school tastes tend to the very old fantasy / sci-fi - the more lead oxide coming off on my fingers the better (until the advent of eBay I loved wargame shows and, if my fingers weren't grey, it hadn't been a good show). Oh, no, I generally didn't lick them clean. Dragontooth and early Grenadier are prime examples of this... interesting sculpts but I love them and, a few days ago, a wonderful trade package turned up containing these beauties;

Dragontooth GEL6 Gelmen Infantry Armed with Spear

There are 3 variants, pics below c/o Kevan at Stunties / Lost Minis WIKI.

GEL5 Gelmen Infantry Armed with Mace - only 1 variant so I wonder if there were more?

A short video showcasing them... excuse the background noise of YouTube ads whilst I'm listening to Necroscope by Brian Lumley (read it in my youth and it's great to revisit it via audio).

 I believe they were sculpted by either Mike Gilbert or Michael Katok. Confirmation needed!

Next is a Grenadier G38 Ecology / Agricultural Bots
(1 of each type). This is a loose set - haven't been able to confirm if it's a full set as yet as the images available aren't that clear. Quite infuriating trying to catalogue the GW blisters for posterity!

A blister image off Lost Minis, not a great quality reference unfortunately.

A larger 'enhancement'...

If you have any more info / images / trade pieces do let me know.

1 comment:

Phil Curran said...

I always enjoy your posts, so many things I've missed out on!