Wednesday 29 May 2013

Another dent in the lead mountain................

Finished a couple of figs and added a few more....when will it ever end.......

Archive Miniatures (sculpted by Nevile Stocken  around 1978 or thereabouts) Alien Mutant, Grimp from their Star Rovers Line. 

Heresy Miniatures Sharclon Trooper, painted for a friend's son Sam. 

3 more getting prepped for my own collection....the middle one is a slight conversion with his shooting arm chopped and puttied for variation. Andy at Heresy is, hopefully, planning on expanding this range. 

and halfway through....

The others waiting in their 'pen'.....

I also decided to use one of the spare heads on a Reaper Miniatures Merchant figure.....

Still some way to go.............

Kev over at Stunties picked up a Dwarf Iron Man for me. I think it is from Impact Miniatures but have yet to confirm....I also need to get a good colour pic to try and do it justice......

I just missed out on this old Squadron Ruben Eowyn, Dark Lord & Nazgul set on bid was blocked at the last second due to not posting to England. Grrrrr. I have numerous posting addresses in the States and would have paid more than it went for with only one bid. 


Anonymous said...

Wow not seen that Nazgul set before and now I want one!

TopKat said...

I was watching that Nazgul set as well. Very cool indeed!