Wednesday 12 June 2013

The late 70s, my own history and Games Workshop ...not quite a movie title but feel free to enquire....

Old Military Modelling and Battle for Wargamers magazines are a great source of pics and are a few of recently unearthed ones....

At home with Hinchliffe.....the wargaming minis (or most of them) are still available today although Hinchliffe itself , as a company, is long gone from the wargaming world.

Barry Minot was one of the big boys of the fantasy market at the time....I plan to do an in depth review of The Quests of Thane Tostig at some point as I just found my old, old rule set.


South London Warlords (who still run Salute every year) in the early days.....

From left to right, Bill Brewer, Brian Cameron and Chris Thompson

And lo there came unto us a fledgling new company.....

Skytrex imported the new Heritage Lord if the Rings minis....

Minot also did historical....

Although Bryan Ansel had now formed Citadel, Asgard was still going strong...

Part of my personal GW history.....early 80s payslip......looking at the salary, God alone knows how I went to the pub most nights!

A query answered by Steve Jackson a brief note and the one below in letter 

Games Workshop statement of practice.....I have a load more paperwork from these GW employed days that I may upload at some point

Contract of employment

My earliest Games Day programme

Possibly my earliest may have been 1975 but I'm not sure...too many glasses of not so fine red wine. My father, God bless him, took me, Dixon miniatures had just released a new range of Mongols and I couldn't afford them. Great memories.

Possibly the last show but definitely my last programme!

In 1979 Games Workshop took the back page advertising....


Steve Casey said...

Love seeing stuff like this Dave - keep it coming.

shadowking said...

Thane tosteg wonderful heneeds revamped and restored

stonecoldlead said...

I'm getting all nostalgic for a time I never experienced. Simpler days....

Evan Hughes said...

Wow, this is gold.

Back when GW covered every major RPG in the marketplace! Those were the days...