Saturday 10 May 2014

Noggin the Nog ......the terror of the Viking Age.....

In 1959 the BBC unleashed Noggin the Nog onto an unsuspecting public....still a classic after all that time. Best to check out the WIKI for more information rather than me wax lyrical. Part of the first episode is on You Tube here. A quick search will find many more of these gems.

Anyway, a friend posted on Facebook about him recently and I thought I would have a go at sculpting his likeness.....using techniques better left forgotten, I present to you this hero of the Sagas......

Do not laugh too hard...this was a labor of love and not a little frustration. Back to normal service soon.... c/o of Springinsfeld a nice blog with some other characters....some good further links there as well......

I did find a pic of the 1993 boardgame a while back so will add it here as well.....

Link for more info;

Also found a good link to add;

I do feel a more detailed post coming on next week.......


Quendil said...

I think that is really good. Sculpting looks hard enough let alone trying to do a cartoon figure

Springinsfeld said...

Brilliant, I look forward to seeing Nogbad, Nooka, Graculus and the rest. BTW, have you seen this blog from Tidders a very prolific gamer

nudspinespittle said...

I want to see it painted up!

Herr Zinnling said...

That's cool.
Is it 28mm?

Fitz-Badger said...

Oh, I like it! Sculpting isn't easy, especially translating a 2D picture into 3D, but you've done an excellent job capturing the character!

David Wood said...

Thanks for the kind comments. 40mm from toes to top of helmet...should have done it smaller really but it was a new experience.....