Saturday 28 June 2014

Black Hat Miniatures civilians..........

Currently on night shifts so absolutely exhausted..........these came in the post yesterday. I saw them at Salute but unfortunately Mike (Lewis) didn't have any with him on the usual it took me another 2 months to get around to ordering them. Always quick and hassle free ordering with Mike. Anyway, 2 sets of civilians hidden away in the Mutants & Madmen section....I almost missed them as there is no pic on that page so you have to click the 'Civilians' link. These are quite hefty minis, around the 35mm mark from head to toe but well detailed and full of character. They are available as packs of 5 or individually. I also have the 'Zombies' and the 'Skeletal Marines' - the latter are pictured in a group at the bottom along with an old Citadel Zombie Rambo... Black Hat also have a big range of fantasy World War 1 Goblins and Halflings that I keep meaning to pick day they will all be mine.....check out the website if you haven't before as Mike has a lot of varied ranges from 10 mm Martian VSF to the old Bob Naismith Cobalt-1  range of Sci Fi figures. Well worth a punt as I often say.

MM100 Civilians 

MM100 Civilians

This guy needs a goatee and will receive one shortly.....

I picked 2 sets of the Skeletal Marines up off Mike at Salute a few years back and actually painted them up.....the lone Citadel figure is 4th from the right.

1 comment:

stonecoldlead said...

Those skeletal marines look pretty good. Perfect for recreating the cover art from Iron Maiden's 'A matter of life and death' album.