Tuesday 1 July 2014

The Perry Twins Leave Games Workshop!

Via their Facebook post where there are more pics.....

We are aware that there are rumours flying around that we have left Games Workshop! Thought we should set the record straight and let you all know that…we have! After 36 years, man and boy, working on Warhammer, 40K and of course, for the last 15 years LotR and the Hobbit we are now able to focus our energy on our historical ranges.This means more time to dedicate to Perry Miniatures, and of course Mr Jackson who we continue to make 54mm WW1 figures for. We had an excellent evening on Friday at The Trip to Jerusalem with GW, and ex-GW, colleagues and friends who got us very, very drunk - cheers!

I have been fans of these guys since they started working for Bryan at Citadel in the 70s. I have said this before but apparently they used to sculpt at school in lessons and sometimes got the sculpts confiscated by the teacher. Possibly a few lost Perry figures about somewhere then! They really are most prolific and certainly helped launch Citadel and Games Workshop into their prime positions back in the day. I wish them all the best and can only hope fervently that they decide to branch out into fantasy again...more Slann would be nice......

The twins back in 1979....

Salute 2008, a chance meeting with my idols....

1 comment:

Baconfat said...

I hope this is good news; they have no excuse to not release the plastic Prussian Reservists. The ones they promised us in 2011.