Saturday 20 September 2014

Lord of the Rings......Bakshi style 1978.....

Back in 1978 Ralph Bakshi created an animated version of Lord of the Rings....never finished but well loved. Heritage Models Inc got the licence for a range of miniatures and, for me, history was made. Max Carr sculpts.....they so capture the cartoon it is incredible.....

A couple of blisters to capture your imagination.....

1750 The Fellowship

 Trade catalogue listing......

Painting guide for the range......

2 paint and play sets containing miniatures from the range.....clever marketing would have made some exclusive figures for the sets........


Application form to join The Fellowship included in most blisters....

Magazine ad from January 1979.....

The 75mm range was sculpted by the late Cliff of the most talented sculptors of his generation.

My half-painted Bilbo............

The larger scale range is listed here along with the complete listing, including many unreleased sets, here on the Lost Minis WIKI. Separately listed diorama sets here.

Poster art for the movie..........

Interesting snippet courtesy of

Lots more information about the film here and here plus there are some incredible storyboard / concept art sketches here. Fantastic find of some newly restored parts here.

Michael over at Classic Miniatures has the rights to some of the models. Tell him I sent you.......


Springinsfeld said...

Great post.... for me this is THE LOTR film, probably due to nostalgia and the excellence of the orcs. The best LOTR figures too from Heritage.

Steve h said...

awesome range and film! i never knew these figures existed they are great

WimVdB said...

My favorite movie, when it was just out!
As a lifelong collector of all things Tolkien/LOTR, I have the Bakshi movie DVD and even a book about the movie.
By coincidence, I also bought many of the ex-Heritage miniatures a few weeks ago. The new owner of the moulds is recasting most of them. So I am now the prowd owner of a small Saruman force consisting of Uruks, half orcs and guard orcs.
I already had the Fellowship set.
All yet to be painted...
(But I own the painting guide also)

Herr Zinnling said...

Thanks for sharing this. I was a big fan of the film when I was young. Cheers, Karl

The Angry Lurker said...

Never had a clue about the figures until now, nice one David.

Anonymous said...

I have over 200 orcs from this movie best ever