Tuesday 30 September 2014

Ron & Bones - a pictorial viewpoint.....

As many are aware I am a miniature collector, not a gamer. I love the whole thought of gaming but my D&D buddies went off to university back in the 70's leaving me to plod on alone...I had a few attempts in the early 80's but it was always lead that got my muse. Pirates are a topic that seems to whet everyone's appetite from time to time and I thought it would be nice to have all the miniatures from the now out of production Ron & Bones series pictured in one place...so that is what I have done......

The 2 below were included in the starter set.....

The busts..........

Very much a card game apparently....

Expansion decks..........

Tale of War Miniatures were responsible for the game and the miniatures however Cool Mini or Not are taking up the reigns with Rum & Bones...a website under construction here and the Facebook page here.

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