Thursday 8 September 2016

Derek the Troll lives again!

That cartooning God Lew Stringer has collated all the old series from the 80s White Dwarf magazines into a one off issue............

"Classic Comics from the 1980s! Derek the Troll, the affable but stinky denizen of pre-history, features in this complete collection of his strips from WARLOCK and WHITE DWARF magazines of the mid-1980s. Also includes the complete Rock Solid, Space Hero serial that ran in SWIFTSURE comic in 1985. PLUS two short Combat Colin strips from the late 1980s.

32 pages: full colour covers, black and white interiors. Quality printing throughout. Suggested for older children and upwards."

Pop over to Lew's website and order a copy quick!


Mark Hides said...


Springinsfeld said...

It would be good if you could get a collated "Gobbldigook" as well......

Quendil said...

Excellent, just ordered it