Thursday 20 June 2019

Reaper Bones Wizard painted..............

Well, I've caught the painting bug somewhat and decided to take a mini out of the latest Reaper Bones Kickstarter box....Arakus Landazad, sculpted by Bobby Jackson and converted to plastic by a.n.other in some inscrutable Chinese laboratory. The mini was easy to put together with superglue, the only drawback being cleaning the mold lines......I think a sharp blade would work wonders as attempting to file the material doesn't work too well. I gave him a wash in soap and water and allowed him to undercoat went on without a problem and I built up from there.....

The professional paint job by Jen Greenwald (pic borrowed off  the Reaper site) just blows me away......wish I'd checked it before starting mine......


Springinsfeld said...

Nifty work on a bendy figure... well done.

Phil Curran said...

I have this on the `to do' pile for grandson number one. I like the way the Bones figures have come out, but I was disappointed that the scale off the figures was significantly larger than the Lord of the Rings plastics and metals I'm using for the rest of the Frostgrave and Rangers of Shadow Deep campaigns.
Still `the boy' won't mind.