Saturday 11 April 2020

Greenwood & Ball Ltd 1977 or 1978 catalogue...

Well folks, I hope you're all keeping well in these 'interesting times' we live in. As part of my 'staying sane' I was sorting some bits & bobs out and came across this old catalogue so thought some of you may find it interesting. As far as I'm aware John Braithwaite designed all the wargames miniatures but wasn't credited in the catalogue. Not sure if it's '77 or '78 though so if anyone knows please leave a comment! I always found Garrison minis a little on the slim side with too large spear shafts but each to their own. Rob Young took over the old Garrison range some years back but it wasn't commercially viable to keep it going unfortunately (edit, not so, see Rob's comment below). I certainly filled a few gaps in my collection though, thanks Rob! Images of most the Sword & sorcery range are on the Lost Minis WIKI.

On to the catalogue... quite large images so hopefully suitable for saving and/or printing out.


Rob Young said...

Keeping it going was very viable - I just got old. Every time I think about selling Garrison I get shouted down by various members of my family (plus one or three others.

Meanwhile I got dragged into playing with casting/converting/painting the original 20mm Napoleonice - plus I've sent a few out to various people - most of my time this year has been doing this, with a few sidetracks into 42mm (just acquired some Berliner Zinnfiguren moulds and so playing with them). Fors lots of Garrison 20mm stuff my blog is - and includes on pages a lot of other stuff including a couple of catalogues.

Independentwargamesgroup said...

Its nice to see the old catalogue.I am currently painting up some ECW Garrison that I acquired badly painted but usable.Sadly with Rob no longer selling the figures commercially its becoming increasingly difficult to locate new units. John Braithwaite was a great figure sculptor and his later Napoleonics were top class.

David Wood said...

Sorry Rob, my error. Love your blog!

Rob Young said...

Thank you.

Incidentally, if anyone such as yourself (Robbie sorted?) or other'known' collecters/OldSchoolers want small numbers of figures and I have time I'll try and do them - just, no 'new' people or large numbers, plus no guarantees re how long it would take, etc - not up to casting figures for six hours a day every weekend!

Lorenzo Fourth said...

This was a nice discovery. As it happens I am in a vein of dark age painting ok so their strelets plastics but I dug out my late1970’s garrison Vikings and normans to compare. It reminded that even in those days scale creep was normal. Please visit my blog which is “” for some photos.

David Wood said...

Cool blog Lorenzo although it took me a while to get to it. is beteer.

Lorenzo Fourth said...

Hi David thanks for the advice I did try blogger struggled but someone said use Wordpress it’s more reliable. Trouble is it’s probably too complicated!

Thanks for the kind words.

Nick said...

Interesting, just won some S&S chaps on ebay, to add to my small collection, a far better S&S range than the Minifigs range.