Sunday 3 May 2020

Oldhammer at last! Marauder Miniatures 1989 Catalogue...

I was searching the attic for some minis and found a box full of papers including this catalogue. Sculpting legends Trish and Aly Morrison left the fold of Games Workshop in 1988. There is a little more info on Stuff of Legends. GW mail order sent out flyers and such like so I'm not sure how the arrangement was administered. Around 1993 they went back under the GW umbrella and the sculpts were integrated into GW lines. I totally adore the Chaos Dwarves which were all based on Citadel Knights of Chaos - there's a site showing the comparisons here (thanks Mike and Jason). It's amazing the things you find when looking through old boxes.

Hope you're all keeping as safe as possible during this weird time we live in.


Aly Morrison said...

Well there you go....
Now I feel really really old...😂

All the best. Aly

Citizen Sade said...

Good effort, DD.

Details of the Chaos Dwarf mini mes can be found on the very wonderful CCM wiki. Where else?