Sunday 5 July 2020

Derek the Troll and Tony Blair by Lew Stringer

If you read Games workshop's White Dwarf magazine back in the 80's then you'll know of Derek the Troll. Great fun little comic strip that I always enjoyed... I picked up a sculpt some years back (by George Fairlamb) but only for my own enjoyment. As Lew said back in 2013; 

'Hi, just to clarify something: the character Derek the Troll was entirely created by me as a comic strip for Games Workshop, and I've always owned the copyright. I'm fine with you doing a model though (as long as it's not sold obviously) and you've done a great job!'

Back in 2017 Lew was doing some signings and a friend (thanks Geoff!) wangled me an illustration for the blog which I mislaid until just now!

He recently compiled all the old White Dwarf cartoon strips...

Grab a copy here;

1 comment:

Quendil said...

Great stuff, I have the comic somewhere!