Friday 17 July 2020

Wargamer's Newsletter - Donald Featherstone

During a search for some pics of old Almark 20mm ranges, I stumbled across this wonderful resource. A complete labor of love from John Haines, a retired civil engineer with a love for the hobby. His main page includes some great holiday pics relevant to history buffs and the hobby.

My complete joy at discovering he has scanned most copies of Wargamer's Newsletter cannot be underestimated and I envisage frequent return trips to his site.

December 1964 front page

Wargamer's Newsletter was produced from 1962 to 1980 by Donald Featherstone, further info on the great man on a WIKI site here.

On a separate agenda, I've just finished painting the (soon to be released hopefully) Khamaí beast handler and beasties. Could do with a better name for them really... 4 more command figs to paint up and then they can be fielded with the recently released horde...

1 comment:

irishserb said...

The figs look great! And thanks very much for posting the link to Wargamer's Newsletter.