Tuesday 24 September 2013

What Does Games Workshop Mean To You.........

Miscellaneous bits from 1982 and 1983... my youth calls out to me...

I was working in the Manchester shop around this time... wonderful time spent earning very little but in charge of miniatures...

I think this was the one where the Archive Miniatures were cast up and blistered as a test... I've mentioned this previously and would appreciate something else verifying this!

The early days of lead heaven...

But lo and behold there was still Asgard...

and they were licensed to produce Dragontooth... please let me know if you have any form of marketing material or packaging for this release! I never got them at the time but am trying to comple my collection now. Still gaps to fill if you have any!

The sculpting and painting phenomenon that is Tony Yates sculpted a multitude of minis for Plastiform in the early 80s... please let me know if you have any form of listing!

As always; enquiries@deartonyblair.co.uk

Here was how I rolled in the early 80s... the years have amended me but not in a good way...


Springinsfeld said...

Nice jacket and bangles there. Ye Gad, I remember those adverts. Tempus fugit and all that.

Unknown said...

Interesting Question, Link here on other opinions:
