Saturday 19 April 2014

Post Salute... 4A Miniatures newbie...

Andy Coleman over at 4A Miniatures has an incredible line of Chaos Dwarf types and this one has to be my favorite...picked it up at Salute off his wife but didn't get chance to chat to him as he was knee deep in customers as usual. I have shamelessly nabbed the pic off his site to accompany my unpainted ones.  Sculpted by the boy genius John Pickford and lovingly painted by the maestro Chris Sabick. Tell him Tony sent you....

Hiargh and Lowargh

Separate shield that I may use elsewhere....

Web link above or here

As usual email me on


Joao Sousa said...

Glorious sculpt! Great purchase!


Blaxkleric said...

Big fan of "Four-A-Miniatures" myself since stumbling across them at a WMMS a couple of years ago. personally I've gone mad for their Snow Trooper range; albeit I've only painted the one so far this year...

David Wood said...

I got the first lot of Snow Troopers and keep meaning to pick up the rest....I've got 2 of the Copplestone Snow Cats to paint up as well for them..........

Blaxkleric said...

The Snow Troopers are excellent, as are the Soviets that they do as well. I'm not so taken with the more sci-fi looking models in the range though (although I did wilt and get them at last year's Salute). Love the idea of the snow cats. On the painting table any time soon? :-)

David Wood said...

They were on a painting thought but that, along with the models, fell apart due to cheap super glue I used some while back...need to pin them really....