Thursday 31 March 2022

Minifigs SS16 (Bleaklands Barbarian Axeman) Cimmerian Chieftain

 Well, thanks to a great hobby colleague, Nick, I've finally got at least one of each of the old Minifigs Sword & Sorcery range infantry. He became a 'Bleaklands Barbarian Axeman' after certain IP lawyers apparently objected to the use of 'Cimmerian Chieftain'... ho hum. I still need lots of the cavalry (trying to pick up the old ones even though they're currently mostly being re-released by Dave Ryan over at Caliver/Minifigs here - go down the left hand side to Classic Sc-Fi & Fantasy Ranges). There's a tab at the top to my wants list(s).

I did paint one a while back, my only copy that was missing the axe... not my greatest paintjob... in truth I find old Minifigs quite difficult to bring to life. Richard Orclord Hale of Stuff of Legends has recently posted some wonderful paint jobs he commissioned. I look on in awe...

The full range is pictured on the Lost Minis WIKI here.

That's it for now. Lots of new releases over at The Little Soldier Company... it'd be great if you popped over and picked some pieces up!

One new release is 'The Captain' over in the Emporium of Miscellany...


Springinsfeld said...

Nice work... I don't think I've ever seen the Conan figure complete with axe. Love the Pugwash mini... happy days of innocence.

Rick Priestley said...

Nice to see this one again - I had loads of the SS 'Not Conan' range back in the day - wish I still had them!

Rodor said...

Probably one of the difficulties of painting these miniatures is that the details are not sculpted very much in relief, and sometimes it is puzzling to interpret some parts: for instance, from the photos we cannot understand if Conan/the generic barbarian is conceived bare-chested, or if he has a garment covering the upper part of his body, as you painted your miniature. No heroic scale for these miniatures, right?