Saturday 25 February 2012

Hammerhead and Partizan Show Freebie Minis.......

Someone just asked why my favorite Hammerhead mini was the Count Carlsberg fig (see earlier post) and I realised it's because it is the best sculpted - Matthew Bickley, one of my favorite new sculptors. The related Partizan show also gives away freebie minis and my favorite of those is the 3 piece railway vignette - inspired 
by the classic black and white movies of old where the fiendish villain ties the damsel heroine to the railway lines.............

The show after this one was given away featured 'Harold the Hero'...........attempting to rescue his love from the fiendish villain just in time....

These were both sculpted by the very talented Matthew Bickley. I've posted all the other Partizan and Hammerhead freebies on the Lost Minis WIKI...


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