Wednesday 1 July 2015

Foundry's John Pickford Barbarian Warriors - at last!

Back in March this year the wonderful Clam extolled the virtue of these sculpts on his blog;  Clamshell & Sea Horses. One thing led to another and they joined the coffee table machinations of this elderly mind ie I completely forgot about them.....they were then mentioned on a Facebook group a week ago.......I hastily got in contact with Foundry and lo and behold they arrived a couple of days ago...night shifts being what they are this is the first chance I've had to show them off. Gone are the days of sending off a postal order and then waiting impatiently for the postman.....we live in enlightened times......

Completely old school in style so I have no worries about showing them here. Email Martin on and tell him I sent you. If, like me, you are a fan of John's sculpting you could do no better than stroll on to Clam's dedicated WIKI site here. Quite frustrating as there are many unreleased sculpts......and you may lose your soul (or more accurately your bank balance) once you tread into the White Knight's private venture area here......

C&C as always to;

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very dangerous for bank balances :)